Note: Bonds figures based on their face value.
Debt & Rating
Debt profile
As of December 31st 2024 Worldline Group net debt totaled € 2,012 Million.
On the scope of the continued operations, this amount was made up of:
- Cash and cash equivalents net of overdraft amounting to € 1,508 million.
- Gross debt recognized in the Group consolidated balance sheet net of overdraft up to € 3,520 million. Outstanding amount of current borrowings totaled € 622 million, non-current borrowings totaled € 2,496 million, and financial lease totaled € 402 million.
Average maturity: 2.57 years
(average maturity is the weighted average of bonds’ and commercial papers residual maturities)
Average cost of debt: 2.04%
(average cost of debt is the weighted average of coupon rates of bonds and commercial papers)
The Group has an investment grade credit rating from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (BBB- with negative outlook), reflecting the robustness of Worldline’s business profile, liquidity position and balance sheet.
Date | Long-term (S&P) | Outlook | Short-term (S&P) | Related documents |
24/09/2024 | BBB- | Negative | A-3 | Credit opinion › |
08/11/2023 | BBB- | Stable | A-3 | Credit opinion › |
17/11/2022 | BBB | Stable | A-2 | Credit opinion › |
19/11/2021 | BBB | Stable | A-2 | Credit opinion › |
31/07/2020 | BBB | Stable | A-2 | Credit opinion › |
04/09/2019 | BBB | Stable | A-2 | Credit opinion › |
Commercial Papers
Worldline has entered into a Negotiable European Commercial Papers program (NEU CP) on April 12th 2019 for a maximum initial amount of € 600 million. The size of the NEU CP program has been raised to € 1,000 million in November 2020.
On December 31st 2024, the outstanding amount of the program was € 60 million.
Revolving Credit facilitiy
In addition, Worldline has an undrawn revolving credit facility (RCF) available for a total amount of € 1,125 million maturing in July 2029.
Worldline Group has issued debt securities including bonds (straight bonds or bonds issued under an EMTN program), as well as convertible bonds and other borrowings (private placement – Schuldschein).
In June 2020, Worldline entered into a Euro-Medium-Term Note (EMTN) Program for a maximum amount of € 4,000 million
Document Date First Prospectus Supplement 07/11/2024 EMTN Base Prospectus 21/06/ 2024 First Prospectus Supplement
29/08/2023 EMTN Base Prospectus 30/05/2023 EMTN Base Prospectus 22/06/2020
Two bond issuances (€ 500 million expired on 30/06/2023 and € 500 million expiring on 30/06/2027) were completed under the EMTN program on June 22, 2020. A bond issue was carried out on September 5, 2023 as part of the EMTN program (issue of 600 million euros maturing on September 12, 2028). A bond issue was carried out on 21 November 2024 as part of the EMTN program (issue of 500 million euros maturing on November 27, 2029).
Instrument ISIN Date of issuance Amount Rate Tenor Maturity Related documents Obligation FR001400U2E7 27/11/2024 500 m€ 5.250% 5y 27/11/2029 Final Terms
Press release successful placement
Rating S&PObligation FR001400KLT5 12/09/2023 600 m€ 4.125% 5y 12/09/2028 Final terms
Press releaseObligation FR0013521564 30/06/2020 500 m€ 0.875% 7y 30/06/2027 Final terms
Press release -
Worldline issued interest-free bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares.
The first € 600 million issuance maturing in July 2026 took place on July, 30 2019; it was retaped by a € 200 million issuance in December 2020. In November 2024, a partial reimbursement was done of approximately € 50 million.
A second € 600 million issuance occurred on July, 30 2020. It will mature in July 2025. In November 2024, a partial reimbursement was done of approximately € 200 million.
Instrument ISIN Date of issuance Amount Rate Tenor Maturity Related documents Oceane FR0013439304 30/07/2019 600 m€ 0.00% 7y 30/07/2026 Terms and conditions
Press releaseOceane FR0013526803 30/07/2020 600 m€ 0.00% 5y 30/07/2025 Terms and conditions
Press releaseOceane FR0013439304 04/12/2020 200 m€ 0.00% 6y 30/07/2026 Terms and conditions
Press release
Other relevant documents