Worldline presents its ambitions for 2017 - 2019
Bezons — 08 / 11 / 2016 Worldline [Euronext: WLN], European leader in the payments and transactional services industry, today announces during the Analyst Day held by its parent company Atos in its Headquarters in Bezons (France), its ambitions for 2017 – 2019, reflecting the increase of its business after the recent acquisitions of the Equens, Paysquare and KB Smartpay.

- Revenue: after a first semester 2017 at a slight positive growth, organic revenue CAGR between +5% and +7%
- Profitability: OMDA percentage improvement between +350bp and +400bp in 2019, compared with 20161
- Free cash flow: € 210 million to € 230 million in 2019, representing over +50% increase compared with 2016 objective
Gilles Grapinet, Worldline CEO said: “Two-years-and-a-half after our listing and after a robust execution of our 2014 - 2017 IPO plan, we have now defined three reinforced axes to take advantage of our recent acquisitions and to pursue delivering a highly profitable organic growth towards 2019 while we expect, more than ever, to play a very active role in the consolidation of the European payment industry.
First, we will execute our strong integration plan with Equens to deliver its massive industrial and commercial synergies and, consequently, to generate the very significant value creation of this strategic merger for our Group. Doing so, we will be in a central position to reinforce our Pan-European leadership in Financial Processing.
Regarding our Merchant Services business, we will actively pursue its geographic expansion and acceleration, by leveraging the recent acquisitions of Paysquare and KB Smartpay in the Czech Republic and our wide portfolio of omni-commerce offerings.
Third, our Mobility & e-Transaction services business will maintain its successful focus on some key market trends like IoT, cross-channel connectivity and digital B2B platforms.
In parallel, based on its recognized track record, European intimacy and particularly solid financial profile, Worldline reaffirms its ambition to constantly be, and act, as a strategic consolidator of the European payments industry.”
2017 - 2019 Group objectives
The Group ambitions to deliver:
After a first semester 2017 at a slight positive growth, organic revenue CAGR between +5% and +7%
OMDA percentage improvement between +350bp and +400bp in 2019, compared with 20162
€ 210 million to € 230 million Free Cash Flow in 2019, representing over +50% increase compared with 2016 objective
To reach its 2019 Ambition the Group will focus on the following levers:
Take advantage of Worldline’s unique Pan-European reach and undisputed leadership in Financial Processing
Expand strongly Worldline’s Pan-European platform for Omni-Commerce Merchant Services
Devote a particularly strong focus to take advantage of robust market trends in Mobility & e-Transactional Services
Take advantage of Worldline’s unique Pan-European reach and undisputed leadership in Financial Processing
Following the merger of Equens within the Worldline group, equensWorldline is now the largest financial processor in Europe, with a unique Pan-European reach and leading market positions in key countries, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.
Beyond the benefit from structural volume growth, the Group intends to leverage on the wide offering portfolio of equensWorldline and to keep developing cross selling opportunities between Equens and Worldline historical client bases, so as to better serve the banking community with innovative solutions and payment security systems. As a result, revenue in Financial Processing & Software Licensing is expected to grow organically close to mid-single digit.
Profitability of the Global Business Line is expected to strongly improve over the 2017 to 2019 period, from a low-twenties OMDA percentage in 2016 to a high-twenties rate in 2019, thanks to the delivery at equensWorldline of c. € 40 million OMDA run rate synergies in 2018, of which 50% are expected in 2017.
Expand strongly Worldline’s Pan-European platform for Omni-Commerce Merchant Services
The Group expects Merchant Services & Terminal to remain its first growth engine, with an organic growth rate expected at mid- to high- single digit, thanks to fast volume growth in commercial acquiring and e-payment acceptance, expansion in higher growth geographical areas such as Germany and Central & Eastern Europe following the recent acquisitions of Paysquare and KB Smartpay, and acceleration of sales of omni-commerce proven solutions, such as retailer’s wallet, digital retail and merchant data analytics.
The profitability of Paysquare and KB Smartpay is expected to gradually reach the rest of Merchant Services & Terminal’s OMDA levels, thanks to synergies starting in 2017 such as migration onto Worldline technological platform and harmonization of business models. In this context, the Global Service Line’s profitability is expected at a low-twenties OMDA percentage.
Devote a particularly strong focus to take advantage of robust market trends in Mobility & e-Transactional Services
Leveraging on its strong technological assets, its know-how, and its track record in the design and operation of next-generation platforms, the Group considers that Mobility & e-Transactional Services is in a position to benefit from the fast growing market trends for secured digital solutions for IoT and connected objects. Supported by a strong and diversified client base as well as by a healthy pipeline of commercial opportunities, the Global Business Line is expected to grow within the average of the Group over the 2017-2019 period.
Mobility & e-Transactional Services’ OMDA is expected at mid-teens levels, improving over the 2017 – 2019 period, thanks to gradual volume growth on maturing platforms.
European payment industry consolidation
Benefitting from its European intimacy and its particularly solid financial profile, the Group maintains a considerable focus to take advantage of the structural changes in the European payment industry, as it has already done in Financial Processing and in Merchant Services with the recent acquisitions of Equens, Paysquare and KB Smartpay. It confirms therefore the strategic priority given over the period 2017 – 2019 to its ambitious M&A policy
The “Worldline's 3-year plan” presentation by Gilles Grapinet, Atos SEVP and Worldline CEO, Marc-Henri Desportes, Worldline General Manager and Eric Heurtaux, Worldline CFO3 will be webcasted on both Atos and Worldline websites.
The presentation will be posted today at 12:05 CET on our website, at, in the Investors section.
Forthcoming event
February 21, 2017 2016 full year result

About Worldline
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry. Worldline delivers new-generation services, enabling its customers to offer smooth and innovative solutions to the end consumer. Key actor for B2B2C industries, with over 40 years of experience, Worldline supports and contributes to the success of all businesses and administrative services in a perpetually evolving market. Worldline offers a unique and flexible business model built around a global and growing portfolio, thus enabling end-to-end support. Worldline activities are organized around three axes: Merchant Services & Terminals, Mobility & e-Transactional Services, Financial Processing & Software Licensing including equensWorldline. Worldline employs more than 8,600 people worldwide, with estimated revenue of circa € 1.5 billion on a yearly basis. Worldline is an Atos company.
For more information:
This document contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including references, concerning the Group's expected growth and profitability in the future which may significantly impact the expected performance indicated in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are linked to factors out of the control of the Company and not precisely estimated, such as market conditions or competitors behaviors. Any forward-looking statements made in this document are statements about Worldline’s beliefs and expectations and should be evaluated as such. Forward-looking statements include statements that may relate to Worldline’s plans, objectives, strategies, goals, future events, future revenues or synergies, or performance, and other information that is not historical information. Actual events or results may differ from those described in this document due to a number of risks and uncertainties that are described within the Registration Document filed with the Autorité des Marches Financiers (AMF) on April 28, 2016 under the registration number: R.16-031 and its update filed on August 4, 2016 under the registration number D.16-0288-A01. Worldline does not undertake, and specifically disclaims, any obligation or responsibility to update or amend any of the information above except as otherwise required by law.
This document does not contain or constitute an offer of Worldline’ shares for sale or an invitation or inducement to invest in Worldline’ shares in France, the United States of America or any other jurisdiction.
Revenue organic growth is presented at constant scope and exchange rates. 2016 objectives have been considered with exchange rates as of December 31, 2015. Operating margin before depreciation and amortization (OMDA) is presented as defined in the 2015 Registration Document.
[1] c.18.5% OMDA margin, 2016 pro forma best estimate, before finalization of pro forma methodology review, as if Equens, Paysquare and KB Smartpay were consolidated for 12 months, from January 1, 2016
[2] c.18.5% OMDA margin, 2016 pro forma best estimate, before finalization of pro forma methodology review, as if Equens, Paysquare and KB Smartpay were consolidated for 12 months, from January 1, 2016
[3] As of December 1st, 2016
David De Silvestro