The 2020 Combined General Meeting of Worldline will be exceptionally held behind closed doors, without the shareholders being physically present.
Paris La Défense — 19 / 05 / 2020 The 2020 Combined General Meeting of Worldline will be exceptionally held behind closed doors, without the shareholders being physically present.

The 2020 Combined General Meeting of Worldline will be exceptionally held behind closed doors, without the shareholders being physically present.
The shareholders are invited to vote or give proxy before the meeting.
The preliminary documents for the General Meeting are made available to the shareholders.
Bezons, May 19, 2020
In the evolving and exceptional context of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and taking into account the maintenance of the state of health emergency, Mr. Gilles Grapinet (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Worldline) to whom power has been delegated by the Board of Directors, after consultation with the Lead independent Director and in agreement with the Board of Directors, decided to exceptionally hold the Combined General Meeting of June 9, 2020 behind closed doors (à huis clos), without the physical presence of shareholders, in accordance with the applicable regulations, in particular the order n°2020-321 dated March 25, 2020 and the decree n°2020-418 dated April 10, 2020.
The customary arrangements for the meeting have been adjusted so as to enable all the shareholders to participate remotely as fully as possible in this key event for your Company’s corporate life, despite these exceptional circumstances.
How to participate to our General Meeting?
The meeting being held behind closed doors, shareholders will be unable to obtain admittance cards.
Consequently, in advance of the General Meeting, shareholders are invited to:
- Vote online or give proxy online via the Votaccess secure website; or
- Vote or give proxy by postal mail.
Due to the situation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the mail postal delays may be lengthened, shareholders are thus strongly encouraged to opt for the online participation. The procedure for remotely participating in the General Meeting is detailed in the Brochure, available at
Written Questions
As the General Meeting will be held behind closed doors, shareholders will not be able, during the meeting, to raise questions orally, amend resolutions or propose new resolutions during the meeting.
However, in order to encourage participation, written questions may be submitted to the Company in advance of the General Meeting by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (for the attention of the Chairman of the Board) or to the following email address: at the latest on the fourth business day before the date of the General Meeting (i.e. June 3, 2020). The written questions may be answered directly on the Company’s website, at the following address:, in the “Investors” section or by the Chairman during the Meeting.
- Live broadcasting of the Meeting
To enable the shareholders to view the meeting remotely, the General Meeting will be broadcasted live (both in French and in English) on Tuesday June 9, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. (Paris time), with a replay subsequently available, on the General Meeting section of the Company’s website, at the following address:
- Documents and last information for the Combined General Meeting
As per applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the preliminary documents for the General Meeting are made available to the shareholders, on the General Meeting section of the Company’s website at the following link:
Shareholders will be informed of the detailed terms of participation in the General Meeting in the convening notice which is expected to be published on May 25, 2020 in the “Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires”.
Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the General Meeting section of the Company’s website at the following link:
The General Meeting section will be updated regularly to provide the latest information in respect with the 2020 Combined General Meeting, including regarding the arrangements and the draft resolutions.
The shareholders can request a copy of the documents and information concerning the Combined General Meeting as provided for by Article R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code. According to the provisions of Article 3 of Order n°2020-321 dated March 25, 2020, such communication can regularly be effected by electronic means, provided that the shareholder indicates in his/her request the electronic address at which it can be made. Shareholders are thus encouraged to communicate their electronic address at the time of any request.
Please contact the Investors Relations Department should you have any questions.
David Pierre-Kahn
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payment and transactional services industry. With innovation at the core of its DNA, Worldline core offerings include Pan-European and domestic Commercial Acquiring for physical or online businesses, secured payment transaction processing for banks and financial institutions, as well as transactional services in e-Ticketing and for local and central public agencies.
Thanks to a presence in 30+ countries, Worldline is the payment partner of choice for merchants, banks, public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies, delivering cutting-edge digital services. Worldline activities are organized around three axes: Merchant Services, Financial Services including equensWorldline and Mobility & e-Transactional Services. Worldline employs circa 12,000 people worldwide, with 2019 revenue of 2.4 billion euros.