The 2021 Combined General Meeting of Worldline will be exceptionally held behind closed doors, without the shareholders being physically present
The shareholders are invited to vote or give proxy before the Meeting. The preliminary documents for the General Meeting are made available to the shareholders
Bezons, France — 30 / 04 / 2021 In the evolving and exceptional context of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and taking into account the maintenance of the state of health emergency, the shareholders are informed that the Combined General Shareholders’ meeting of Worldline will be held on May 20, 2021 exceptionally behind closed doors (à huis clos), without the physical presence of shareholders, in accordance with the applicable regulations, in particular the order n°2020-321 dated March 25, 2020 as modified and the provisions of which have been extended by the decree n°2021-255 dated March 9, 2021.
The customary arrangements for the meeting have been adjusted so as to enable all the shareholders to participate remotely in this key event for your Company’s corporate life, despite these exceptional circumstances
How to participate to our General Meeting?
The meeting being held behind closed doors, shareholders will be unable to obtain admittance cards.
Consequently, in advance of the General Meeting, shareholders are invited to:
- Vote online or give proxy online via the Votaccess secure website; or
- Vote or give proxy by postal mail.
Due to the situation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the mail postal delays may be lengthened, shareholders are thus strongly encouraged to opt for the online participation. The procedure to remotely participate in the General Meeting is detailed in the Convening notice (Brochure de convocation), available at
In addition, holders of bearer shares can ask their financial intermediaries for proxy or distance voting forms and holders of registered shares will directly receive these forms with their convening notice.
The procedure to remotely participate in the General Meeting is also detailed on the Company’s website, on the page dedicate to the Meeting:
Composition of the Bureau of the General Meeting
The identity and capacity of the persons designated as scrutineers of the General Meeting will be made available on the Company’s website prior to the Meeting.
Amend resolutions and/or propose new resolutions
As the General Meeting will be held behind closed doors, shareholders will not be able to amend resolutions or propose new resolutions during the meeting.
Written Questions
Written questions may be submitted to the Company prior to the General Meeting by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (for the attention of the Chairman of the Board) or to the following email address: at the latest on the second business day before the date of the General Meeting (i.e. May 18, 2021).
The written questions may be answered directly on the Company’s website, at the following address:, or by the Chairman of the Board during the Meeting.
Questions and Answers session during the Meeting:
Given that the General Shareholders’ Meeting will be held behind closed doors, it will not be possible for shareholders to ask oral questions. However, to encourage participation, in addition to the legal mechanism for written questions, shareholders will be able to ask questions during the General Meeting directly from the webcast interface:!/worldline/20210520_4. Therefore, as in a normal Shareholders’ Meeting, time will be set aside for the Chairman to answer questions that have generated the greatest interest within the period available.
Live broadcasting of the Meeting
To enable the shareholders to view the meeting remotely, the General Meeting will be broadcasted live (both in French and in English) on Thursday May 20, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. (Paris time), on the General Meeting section of the Company’s website, at the following address: A replay will be also subsequently available at the same address.
Preliminary documents and last information for the General Meeting
As per applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the preliminary documents for the General Meeting are made available to the shareholders, on the General Meeting section of the Company’s website at the following link:
The corresponding notice of meeting that contains the agenda and the draft text of the resolutions due to be submitted to a shareholder vote was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires of April 14, 2021 n° 45 ( The terms and conditions to participate and vote to this General Shareholders’ Meeting are detailed in this notice of meeting.
Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the General Meeting section of the Company’s website at the following link: . This page will be updated regularly to provide the latest information in respect with the 2021 Combined General Meeting, including regarding the arrangements and the draft resolutions.
The shareholders can request a copy of the documents and information concerning the Combined General Meeting as provided for by Article R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code. According to the provisions of Article 3 of Order n°2020-321 dated March 25, 2020, such communication can regularly be effected by electronic means, provided that the shareholder indicates in his/her request the electronic address at which it can be made. Shareholders are thus encouraged to communicate their electronic address at the time of any request.
Please contact the Investors Relations Department should you have any questions.
About Worldline
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry and #4 player worldwide. With its global reach and its commitment to innovation, Worldline is the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and third-party acquirers as well as public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies in all sectors. Powered by over 20,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and secure solutions across the payment value chain, fostering their business growth wherever they are. Services offered by Worldline in the areas of Merchant Services; Terminals, Solutions & Services; Financial Services and Mobility & e-Transactional Services include domestic and cross-border commercial acquiring, both in-store and online, highly-secure payment transaction processing, a broad portfolio of payment terminals as well as e-ticketing and digital services in the industrial environment. In 2020 Worldline generated a proforma revenue of 4.8 billion euros.
Worldline’s corporate purpose (“raison d’être”) is to design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. Worldline makes them environmentally friendly, widely accessible, and supports social transformation.
Press Contacts
Investor Relations

Laurent Marie