Trust 2025 Worldline exceeds expectations on first two years of CSR transformation plan

Paris-La Défense — 28 / 03 / 2023 Worldline, a global leader in payment services, announces that it has overtaken its ESG performance according to the latest 2022 results of Trust 2025,the Group’s 5-year CSR transformation programme. Worldline pursues its ambition to meet its most critical CSR challenges and maintain strong leadership in the areas of business, people, ethics, supply chain, environment and local communities.

La Défense

Trust 2025: strengthened CSR ambition and commitment

Worldline is committed to voluntary CSR approach. Building on the success of former Trust 2020 programme, Worldline launched Trust 2025 two years ago, tackling new issues related to company’s growth strategy and market evolutions, ultimately raising its level of ambition and commitment on ESG and building stronger governance. Strongly supported by Worldline Management team, the Group is now better equipped to respond to its most critical CSR challenges and boost its performance and capability in a pragmatic way. The associated 16 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) concretely support the Group’s commitments with specific and measurable targets to be reached by 2025, acting as a strong catalyst to mobilize its employees through shared CSR vision, supporting Worldline’s journey to doing business in a more sustainable way. These past two years, Worldline demonstrated significant progress towards Trust 2025 goals as reflected by the early overachievement of numerous objectives.


Strong and encouraging progress in social and economic fields

Worldline has achieved significant progress, confirming the company is on the right track to meet its most critical people-oriented challenges. In 2022, Worldline has increased of 16% its additional disabled workforce in countries with specific legal requirements*. Again in 2022, the percentage of women within Management positions has improved by 2 points vs. 2021, reaching 25% - whilst 2025 set target is 35%. Supported by a responsible employer strategy, Worldline’s ambition towards its people is twofold: fostering people development, well-being and engagement, whilst promoting fairness, diversity and inclusion. To reach these ambitious goals, Worldline has reinforced career and skills development as well as training initiatives to attract, develop and retain the best talent and guarantee their employability over the long term. In addition, several diversity and inclusion initiatives which are set to ensure fairness, equity and non-discrimination within Worldline have also demonstrated steady progress. Recently, Worldline has been awarded with Top Employer certificate for 2023 in Europe and Asia-Pacific by the Top Employers Institute, a global authority that recognises excellence in people management.

In economic and business fields, Worldline has also demonstrated solid performance as reflected by quality scoring:

  • Platforms’ services availability and response of 99.9912%, up to the 2025 target fixed at 99.99% and;
  • Net promoter score of 48/100 representing a 2-point gain vs 2021.

On positive impact solutions, Worldline has succeeded in disclosing a 2,468 M€ total revenue from its "sustainability offering", already surpassing Trust 2025target set at 2,307 M€. These substantive results reinforce Worldline’s credibility and leadership towards a utmost quality of services and a sustainable value proposition.

Continuous and steady improvement plans on environment

Worldline has demonstrated its strong commitment into tackling climate change through its ambitious environmental strategy led at Group’s level and based on three strategic axes:

  • Lowering Group’s energy consumption; 
  • Reducing Group’s carbon footprint;
  • Offsetting all Group’s remaining emissions.

To reach its objectives, Worldline has set itself ambitious greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction objectives aligned with criteria and recommendations of SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative):

  • Reducing its absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% by 2025, compared to 2019 base year, in line with 1.5°C global warming limitation trajectory;
  • Reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods & services, and the use of sold products by 7.4% within same timeframe;
  • Implementing a far-reaching energy efficiency plan for offices and business travel, decreasing energy consumption of cooling equipment, and increasing the use of servers virtualisation in Group’s data centres.

As a result of these continuous improvement efforts, in 2022, Worldline reduced of 48% its eq.COemissions (scope 1&2, 2019 baseline) vs. 2025 fixed target of 25% as set in its Trust 2025 programme. In parallel, Worldline has pursued to offset 100% of its remaining eq.COemissions for scope 1, 2, 3a. In the coming months, Worldline also intends to review its GES emissions reduction goals for 2025 in alignment with the SBTi’s framework.

“CSR is at the heart of our strategy for value creation and not only can we now better respond to Worldline and Society’s challenges - but more importantly, acting for change proactively. Now entering year 3 of our CSR plan, we are more than ever committed and equipped to improving efficiently our performance and creating sustained long term value for our customers, employees, investors and all our stakeholders.”

Sébastien Mandron, CSR Officer at Worldline, said.

In 2023, Worldline intends to increase its CSR commitment to excellence by applying the best ESG practices whilst investing in innovative approaches to better measure and improve its impact. More details on Worldline’s key CSR focuses and performance will be communicated in Worldline 2022 Integrated report in April, 2023.

* This percentage corresponds to an absolute change in the number of employees compared to the 2020 baseline.

About Worldline

Worldline [Euronext: WLN] helps businesses of all shapes and sizes to accelerate their growth journey – quickly, simply, and securely. With advanced payments technology, local expertise and solutions customised for hundreds of markets and industries, Worldline powers the growth of over one million businesses around the world. Worldline generated a 4.4 billion euros revenue in 2022.

Our company’s purpose is to design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. Our solutions are environmentally friendly, widely accessible, and support social transformation.

Hélène Carlander

Hélène Carlander

Group Head of External Communication